Biblical Women of Valour: Exploring God’s Extraordinary Women in Scripture

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As documented in the book of Judges, a remarkable woman by the name of Deborah rose to authority in the Israel, operating as a motherly figure to the people. And through her bravery and priesthood, a mighty deliverance was wrought in Israel. Let’s examine the amazing ways in which God used women, focusing on Deborah’s distinctive position as she led a whole nation into freedom from captivity and other significant lessons that lie within her story.


Biblical Women


Deborah’s Story

“There were few people left in the villages of Israel—until Deborah arose as a mother for Israel.” Judges 5: 7 (NLT)

God uses women in key roles in His work. In the Old and New Testament, we see many women being used by God, either behind closed doors (invisible to the public) or openly. Deborah is one of the most influential women in the Bible, among many others.

Deborah’s story in the Bible serves as an example of a woman who played a key leadership role during a crucial period in Israel’s history and is remembered for her wisdom, prophetic insight, and courage in times of crisis.

Deborah led the Israelites against the Canaanites, who had been oppressing the Israelites for twenty years.


Deborah’s Distinct Characteristics

Strong: She was a well-known military leader when the entire nation was in despair.

Brave: She was called by God to lead His people at a terrible time.

Wise: She served God and His people with wisdom and knowledge.

Motherly: The Bible also describes her as a mother of Israel. The word used in Hebrew portrays Deborah as a mother in the sense of being a protector of the people. In her time, prophets could be called ‘father’, in the same sense, Deborah could be called ‘mother’.

Deborah played multiple key roles: at home (mother), in her profession (judge), in God’s house (priestess), and in ministry (prophet, pastor, worship leader). She heard God’s voice and shared God’s Word with others. As a priestess, she didn’t offer sacrifices, as the men did, but she led worship services and preached.


Deborah was the only Female Judge

She wasn’t ‘just’ a judge, she was a major judge, with both a military and a judicial function. She was unique, being the only woman in the office of judge. In modern times, we rarely see a female judge. Deborah was more than a judge, she was multi-talented. Her inborn traits, her perseverance, and her God-fearing character opened the door for God to trust her with more.

She became a leader and a prophetess, as well as a charismatic military leader, leading the Israelites in a mighty victory to take the land of Canaan. She led a revolt that helped the Israelites win their freedom from the Canaanites. She could do that because she continually asked for God’s guidance and then obeyed.

Others characteristics include:

Apart from being strong, brave, and wise, Deborah was also supportive, obedient, and respected. God endowed her with powerful qualities, enabling her to fulfill His mandate here on earth. Deborah used these characteristics wisely and in obedience to God. She abused none of it. She is the only woman of the Old Testament known for her own faith and acts, not just because of her connection to her husband or another man but also for her courage and obedience to God.




Other Exemplary Women Mentioned in the Bible

Beyond Deborah, the Bible introduces us to several remarkable women. Esther demonstrated exceptional courage in the book of Esther, (Esther 4:14-16). Ruth’s unwavering loyalty to Naomi is heartwarming (Ruth 1:16), and Mary’s deep faith in the Gospels (Matthew, Luke). Her cousin Elizabeth, known for joy, is found in Luke. Priscilla, mentioned in the Epistles was a co-worker in the work of the ministry with her husband, Aquila. Phoebe, a deaconess in Romans, exemplified servant leadership. Each woman, with a unique role, teaches us about bravery, loyalty, faith, submission and joy, showcasing God’s use of women across both Old and New Testaments in His grand plan.



As Christian women, we are more than ‘just’ wives, mothers, sisters, or daughters to our earthly parents; we are daughters of the King. God chose us for a purpose, and we shouldn’t underestimate ourselves just because we are women. Looking at women like Deborah can inspire us to embrace the roles God has given us, whether it’s at home, work, in society, or in the church. We should be confident, knowing our value based on examples like Deborah in the Bible. We can look up to women like Deborah and many other iconic examples in the Bible and receive inspiration to step into our God-given calling.

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