The Road to Revival and the Trajectory of Sanctuary Pretenders

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Revival—a word that carries the promise of spiritual awakening, renewal, and transformation. It’s not merely a fleeting emotion or a passing trend; it’s a profound movement of God’s Spirit among His people. Revival isn’t an event that can be orchestrated or manufactured; rather, it emerges from a deep understanding of God’s truth, sincere preparation, and an unwavering belief in His power. Join me as we explore the path to revival—a journey of faith, perseverance, and divine encounter.




Understanding Revival

In my book titled: The Road to Revival, I made it clear that the arrival of revival in any generation is a product of a sound biblical revelation, deep preparation, and powerful manifestation. The midwives of revival must be vibrantly expectant and be driven by the oil of perseverance in their lamps.


The Current Scene: Pretenders Everywhere

We are now on the brink of time. Servants are seeking smarter methods to outwit other stewards. Priests are forming club alliances to make a statement of significance and reputation. The more the crowd, the greater the fame and the bigger the money that will be made. This is sad.




History’s Tough Road to Revival

Revivals have never come easy. From the birth of Moses, the journey through Kadesh Barnea, the battles of Jericho, the vicious cycle of the successive foolish royalties in Israel, to the revelation of prophets and the birth of Jesus Christ, it has been a long and tough journey to revival.


The midwives of revival must be vibrantly expectant and be driven by the oil of perseverance in their lamps. Share on X


Who Leads Revivals?

Most outstanding revivals in history were born by ordinary men and women who had lost taste for the world but got connected with God’s unfading glory. Although pretenders and businessmen-in-cassock are temporarily occupying the pulpits and altars, we will soon witness a new shift that will usher in the type of Obadaiah’s 7,000 men and the 120 apostolic force in Jerusalem’s upper room. Until these kinds of men arrive, the church will remain a community of jokers and pretenders. A pretender is someone whose passion for the kingdom has been compromised like the case of the church of Ephesus and Laodicea.


Ready for Revival


Heroes of Faith

The present religious boom will soon end up in the doom of the counterfeits. Ministers’ gangs or believers’ material pursuits are the new twist of faith that has kept the devil in business much longer! Joshua and Caleb were radical and defiant. Elisha followed hard to win a flaming mantle! The apostles waited for the tongues of fire! Saul of Tarsus encountered his own revival on his way to Damascus.


The road to revival is the tough road of righteousness, purity, and grace. Share on X


Getting Ready for Revival

The earnest expectation of creatures is waiting for you to manifest. Are you ready to break barriers and push the baby to life? The road to revival is the tough road of righteousness, purity, and grace. Come out of the bunch of pretenders and escape the fires of hell. Revival’s road is not an easy road by any means. Your weekly religious pranks will lose their hold, sooner than later! Hear what the Book of James 4:8, “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” (NIV)


Lead revival



The cry for revival is more urgent than ever in a world full of pretenders and diversionaries. We are reminded that true revival comes from a sincere encounter with the living God rather than from human effort or manipulation as we consider the struggles of history and the religious heroes who paved the way.

It requires us to shed the trappings of superficiality and self-interest and embrace a deeper commitment to righteousness, purity, and grace. The road to revival may be fraught with obstacles, but the destination—a renewed and revitalized relationship with God—is worth every step of the journey. So let us stand firm in our faith, ready to embrace the true revival that awaits us, and may we serve as agents of change both within and outside of our communities.

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