“Come, be my Val!” – A Clarion Call into Intimacy with The King

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“Come, be my Val!” My love for you is pure and true.


Love formed the essence of existence in the realm beyond the veil. Within this realm stood a Man, a magnificent King, reigning over a Kingdom adorned with unimaginable beauty. His name echoed through the heavens, “Yeshua, the King of kings.”


The Descent of Love

Yeshua cast His gaze upon a world trapped in darkness and sin from His celestial throne. His heart, brimming with a love that surpassed understanding, stirred with an earnest desire to rescue His beloved creation. Unfazed by the splendour surrounding Him, the King set forth on a descent from His heavenly abode to a world tainted by rebellion and wickedness.


The Humble Journey

The celestial majesty of Yeshua transcended as He cast aside His heavenly robes to assume the form of a vulnerable infant. Born in a lowly stable, He experienced the frailty of human existence, the warmth of a mother’s love, and the harsh realities of a world that remained ignorant of His divinity.


Christ Birth


Days of Compassion and Wisdom

As Yeshua matured, His life became a testament to compassion, healing, and profound wisdom. He walked alongside the broken, instilling hope within the despairing and offering love to the unloved. His mere touch brought healing to the sick, His words brought solace to the sorrowful, and His presence illuminated even the darkest corners of human hearts.


The Ultimate Purpose Unveiled

Yet, the true purpose of His descent became evident as He embarked on the path towards Calvary. With each solemn step, the weight of humanity’s sins pressed upon Him. Upon that hill where love and justice intertwined, Yeshua willingly shouldered the burden of mankind’s transgressions. Driven by love, the nails pierced His hands and feet, securing the redemption of a fallen world.


Sacrificial Love


The Completion and Redemption

In the midst of anguish, Yeshua proclaimed, “It is finished!” The debt of sin was paid in full. The curtain that separated mankind from God was torn asunder, and a bridge of grace was built. The King selflessly sacrificed His life, offering a way for those who were lost to be found, for the broken to be restored, and for the separated to be reconciled.


Victory Over Darkness

But the saga did not conclude at the cross. Yeshua emerged triumphantly from the grave, conquering sin and death, and revealing that love prevails even in the deepest darkness. He extended an unconditional invitation to all who would listen, a resounding call to embrace the invaluable gift of salvation, grace, and righteousness.


Affirmation of Love

In the depths of life’s quiet moments, the King whispers to every soul, “You are my Val”—His beloved, cherished beyond measure. The King who relinquished His throne did not forsake His creation but enveloped it with outstretched arms upon the cross. His immeasurable love stands as a beacon of hope, beckoning all to return to the embrace of the love of the Father.


Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. Song of Solomon 8:6 (NIV)

The Path of Choice

As you stand at the crossroads of decision, know that the King’s love remains unwavering. Embrace the precious gift He offers and allow His love to guide your journey as a faithful compass. Within His sacrifice is found the purest expression of love—a love that transcends time, pierces through darkness, and resounds, proclaiming, “You are my Val.”



The Sacrifice of Jesus for Mankind resounds throughout eternity, echoing the call to salvation, righteousness, and grace. It is an extraordinary story of divine love paving the way for humanity’s redemption, reminding us all that in Jesus, we find the ultimate embodiment of sacrificial love and the means to everlasting joy and restoration.


[PS: “Come, be my Val!” is used connotatively as a call to embrace the Divine Love of Christ Jesus]

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