Legendary Encounters: Giants, Kings, and the Rise of Abraham

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Have you wondered about the stories in Genesis 14, where epic battles between kings and giants shaped history? We’ll explore how kingdoms rebelled, the rise of formidable humanoids, and the triumphant conquests led by figures like Abraham. Get ready to uncover a narrative of power, divine encounters, and supernatural forces that echo from ancient times. 




The Rebellion of the Kings

According to the battle of kings in Genesis 14:1-17, when the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Bela rebelled against Chedorlaomer the king of Elam. While these kings were under the control of Chedorlaomer, they were secretly raising giants (humanoids) in their respective kingdoms. Giants such as Emims and Zuzims intend to rise against their lord.

These humanoids were as fiercely titanic as the Anakims explained earlier, but had less supernatural might compared to the Anakims. Eventually, they formed a unified army to rise against their lord; for twelve years they served Chedorlaomer and rebelled in the thirteenth year, and then war was declared in the fourteenth year.




The League of Nations

Chedorlaomer and three other kings formed a confederacy, a league of nations and conquered the five kings who rebelled against their league. Chedorlaomer and his League of Nations also had their humanoids, because the higher the number of humanoids in an army, the more chances of winning the battle.

According to Genesis 14:5-6, the five lords didn’t stand a chance against Chedorlaomer, so their giant humanoids were wiped out and their cities captured together with Lot, the Nephew to Abram [Genesis 14:11-12]. While gathering the spoils of war, Abram’s nephew, Lot was also captured among the captives gathered after the war, though Abram’s name was yet to change into Abraham.




Abram’s Counterattack

When Abram heard of the incident that led to the captivity of Lot, he gathered three hundred and eighteen of his elite army (war-trained men), and he went after Chedorlaomer and his League of Nations until war was declared in the region of Dan. Abram pursued them by night by dividing his army into sections, to overtake Chedorlaomer at Hobah, which is by the West of Damascus, there they slaughtered Chedorlaomer and his confederacy [Genesis 14:15-17].

The League of Nations was subdued and their kings slaughtered before Abram. Chedorlaomer and his League of Nations together with their giant humanoids were killed by Abram and his few men of war.
“And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriathaim” [Genesis 14:5].


Encounter with Melchizedek

This Abram who conquered kings met with Melchizedek on his way back from the battle against the League of Nations. On sight, he recognised a divine identity in Melchizedek, king of Salem, and priest of the Most High God [Genesis 14:18-20], because he knew that his conquest could only be aided by unseen forces at work. Melchizedek blessed him, and Abram paid obeisance and all his tithes to this Melchizedek.




Abraham, the Mighty Prince

When Sarah died in a strange land called Kirjath-Arba, south of Canaan and was about to be buried; Abraham was already feared as a mighty man, because he had access to what no king in that age and era ever had. The kings of old had access to fallen angels. Still, Abraham had access to the creator Himself, thereby making him the supreme authority over nations that all the people of the kingdom of Heth called him lord and mighty prince [Genesis 23:5-6]. “Hear us, my lord: thou art a mighty prince among us….” [Genesis 23:6].


The Anakims and Their Descendants

When the children of Israel got to Hebron [Numbers 13:22], formerly known as kirjath-arba [Joshua 14:15], where Sarah died [Genesis 23:2]. They met certain giants (humanoids), known as Anakims, and were of the descendants of Anak, whose history of old they have heard [Deuteronomy 9:2]. These were creatures of great size, having extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional appearance, yet not so tall as exaggerated by the children of Israel [Numbers 13:32-33]; but possessed extraordinary strengths and supernatural abilities.

The Anakims in all the land where they came were eventually destroyed by Joshua [Joshua 11:21], but there were still some in the land of Gaza, Gath and Ashdod [Joshua 11:22]. Goliath the Gittite [1 Samuel 17:4], and his brother Lahmi were Anakims in the land of Gath [1 Chronicles 20:5-6].

This land was called kirjath-arba long before Abraham, after Arba, because he was a great warrior in that land [Joshua 14:15], but it became Hebron after the conquest of the children of Israel. The descriptions of the Anakims in Gath were given as having six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot [1 Chronicles 20:6].


Due to the presence of humanoids in these ancient kingdoms, they pride themselves on bloodshed, which is the primary reason why there were usually wars. With demonic networks in the kingdoms of old, they conjure demons using certain formulas to copulate with their women, to produce offspring of humanoids. This was why God told the Israelites never to mingle with idolatry, because of the satanic activities involved, and the generational consequences that follow [Exodus 20:3-5].

“A people great and tall, the children of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heard say, Who can stand before the children of Anak!” [Deuteronomy 9:2].
“And at that time came Joshua, and cut off the Anakims from the mountains, from Hebron, from Debir, from Anab, and from all the mountains of Judah, and from all the mountains of Israel: Joshua destroyed them utterly with their cities” [Joshua 11:21].


The Continuing Presence of Humanoids

Like the humanoids of old, there are still supernatural beings living among us to this very day, they might not appear titanic, but their supernatural abilities cannot be ignored. We are not alone on this earth realm, and this was why Apostle Paul wrote, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” [Ephesians 6:12].


To be continued…

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