Kingdom Inheritance for the Kingdom Radicals

Table of Contents


We live in a world where Rat-race syndrome and Grab-it-all-mentality are the norm. Almost everybody is seeking comfort as much as their passions and money can buy. Biblical and contemporary history never gave us a single person who by his labour or wits was able to take possession of at least a quarter of the resources of our present world. Those who pursued worldly wealth with their whole lives found out too late that they were never able to procure one over one billion of the things they craved.

God is in charge of his terrestrial and celestial resources and appoints them to whomever he will. Most importantly, he appoints a kingdom to those who have radically followed him and endured with him during his travails and temptation. Luke 22:24-30. Jesus was radically committed to him and the kingdom he represented.

When we talk about the radically committed, we do not mean religious extremists who want to force their beliefs on others or even harm them. In Latin, radix means a “root” – which is the principal cause of something. Jesus is the root of the Christian faith. He is the benchmark. He is the radical standard of God with whom God will measure the quality of our Christian testimony and fruitfulness. Jesus identified with those whom society rejected. He offended everybody with his radical behaviour because he was not willing to bend rules or follow the popular opinion which negates the agenda of God.

When we say RADICAL, we mean somebody like Jesus who is an extremist to love, a committed agent of mercy and a practitioner of scandalous grace.

  • Instead of being violent, he turned the other cheek,
  • Instead of advocating vengeance, he taught forgiveness and love for his enemies.
  • Instead of forceful coercion and control, he used grace and love to attract followers
  • Instead of taking lives, he willingly gave his own for the sake of others.


What it Takes to Become a Kingdom Radical

1.  Non-Conformity: We’re called to shine as lights in the world of darkness. Isa.60:1-2. We are to engage with our culture without compromise. We are to refuse to conform in areas of materialism, ethical relativism; the new world other. Rom 12:1-2. We are called to follow, observe, initiate and master the character and creed of Christ in transformational discipleship.

  • Instead of being radically indecent, we are to be radically pure
  • Instead of being rascally fraudulent, we are to be radically righteous
  • Instead of being radically manipulative, we are to be radically truthful
  • Instead of being rascally superficial, we should be radically supernatural.

2.  Christlikeness: we are called to be incarnation Christians. We are called to look like Christ; or else our evangelistic efforts will fail. Christ is our I.D. if we don’t look like him, we can’t change our world.

3.  Maturity: Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ. Radical disciples are too hungry for the word of Christ. They are ready to dig into the word to abandon all things that are familiar to them and natural for them. Col.1:28-29. The modern church celebrates growth without depth. If you are not mentored, you can’t grow roots. Maturity enables you to unleash your potentials for kingdom impact.

4.  Simplicity as against sophistication.

5.  Fellowship


Radicals are called to endure torture. Matt. 10:38. Radicals travelled with Christ barefooted on a thorny path without grudge. They were ready to be martyred so that their message will be clearer to their message will be clearer to their persecutors. Jesus said radical things that drove people away.

Radicals are not to enjoy his grace only but also extend his glory. Prov. 8:13


Radical Changes in the Lifestyles of Radical Disciples

  1. Dead to sin, alive to righteousness. He/she consciously ignores evil and its allies.
  2. Shun entertainment from ungodly sources. Prov.8:13 when we’re being entertained by evil, how can we hate it? How can we be pure when we amuse ourselves with impurity, Matt.5:27-30
  3. Deliberate staying away from people, places and contexts that make sin more likely is very essential. If you want a different outcome, you must make different choices. The battle is too intense and the stakes are too high to approach purity casually or gradually. You can cut off from coursemates with questionable or doubtful character, and roommates with ungodly alliances; avoid TV and radio, church, and fellowship meetings where evil is your major weakness and get rid of your computer If that is all you need to do to make heaven.
  4. Submit yourself for deliverance and live on a regular overcomer’s prayers schedule. Don’t take chances; pray on anything that appears like what can lure you away from your God.


Abandon yourself in his presence often and look for men and women of integrity who can mentor you properly to see the bigger picture of heaven and gain spiritual stamina to get there.

Jer. 51:19-20; Acts 20:32; Eph. 1:10-12; 5:5, Col. 1:12-13; Num.18:20-21, Eze.44:15-28

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