Mastering Wisdom and Understanding: Your Ultimate Guide from Confusion to Clarity – Part 2

Table of Contents

(Please check Part 1 of this post: Mastering Wisdom and Understanding: Your Ultimate Guide from Confusion to Clarity – Part 1)



True Identity Beyond Circumstances

ALL THAT YOU SEE IS NOT ALL THAT BE was the summary theme of what we considered last week; and still towing that line, you should understand that the definition of the true and genuine you are not in
1. the strange circumstances that surround your conception and birth
2. the mistakes you have made in the past
3. the contrary circumstances happening to you or that has happened to you
4. what you have or don’t have
5. the reproach or label that life, the devil, your mistakes and wrong occurrences have given to you, etc

The true definition and evaluation of who you are is in Christ Jesus. Until that is settled in your heart of hearts and it becomes the wellspring from which you draw your evaluations, resources and strength, you will never attain the true heights that the Lord will have you attain.


Power of love


The Power of God’s Love

John 3:16 is a great contender for the most quoted verse in the Scripture, but it is possible to quote a verse so many times that its force and efficacy begin to fade from our hearts. GOD SO LOVED….the height of the proof of God’s love for you is evident in His willingness to part with His Son, Jesus and to sacrifice Him on the cross that you who were once an enemy and alien might be brought into fellowship and intimacy with Him (Romans 5:5-11, Ephesians 2:1-22).

God was willing to crush His Son that you may have eternal life (Isaiah 53:10) and to place all of your iniquities on Him that you may have His perfect righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). Share on X

THE HEIGHT OF ALL UNDERSTANDING IS TO KNOW ASSUREDLY THAT GOD LOVES YOU “SO” MUCH. Jesus Christ did not come to sacrifice Himself out of pity or by force or because of ‘condition’; He did it out of LOVE. And not just any love or little love; it was because He loved you SO much.

You may look at the bad things that have happened or that are happening to you, the many seemingly unanswered prayers, the things that you don’t have, the reproach and the pain and all that and ask why all that is so if God truly loves you; but Beloved, the proof of God’s love is not in any of these things, but in Christ Jesus. All of these things are temporal, but the sacrifice, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus is eternal and permanent.




Rising Above Darkness

You will make the wrong evaluations and conclusions if you look in the wrong place. The Spirit of the Lord did not go into the water in Genesis 1 He was brooding UPON/ABOVE the water. You also, my Friend, need to stop sinking into all of that darkness, emptiness and nothingness and rise above it all so that your eyes may behold true light.

Psalm 36:9 says “With You (the LORD) is the fountain of life; in Your (the LORD’s) light we see light”. You have not truly seen until you see what God sees. Until you get God’s evaluation of your life, your own evaluation will always be wrong.


God loves you


Embracing God’s Evaluation

In the days of David, before he became King, the general evaluation was that he was a small boy following animals about (like the Fulani herdsmen), but God told the Prophet Samuel “I have found for Myself a KING…” (1Samuel 16:1) I am sure even David could not have thought that of himself but that was who God saw in David, a KING.

Don’t let the reproach, abuse and criticisms of people make you despair and lose hope in God. You are more than what happened or is happening to you; you are more than what you don’t have yet; you are more than that prayer that has not been answered; YOU ARE MORE THAN ALL OF THIS AND MANY MORE. You need to sit and repeat it to yourself convincingly over and over again, I AM MORE and THERE IS MORE TO ME THAN JUST WHAT MY EYES SEE.


God's Word


Key to Understanding: Love

The primary and ultimate key to understanding this is that you permit that “Christ dwell in your heart through LOVE; that you may be rooted and grounded in LOVE, that you comprehend (understand and believe) the width and length and depth and height of God’s LOVE – to know the LOVE of God that passes knowledge and thereby be FILLED WITH ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD” (Ephesians 3:17-19).

1 John 4:16 says “And we have KNOWN and BELIEVED the LOVE that God has for us…”. It is not enough that you read it here, you must also be convinced of it in your heart of hearts and that can only be when you look steadfastly at the Man JESUS.


Knowing and Believing in God’s Love

The proof of God’s love for you is not in people, circumstances, things or prayer; it is in CHRIST JESUS. The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and understanding, but it is the revelation of the love of God that is the perfection of all knowledge and understanding.


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