The Collapse of Modern Babel: The Revival of True Worship

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Shockingly, another BABEL is under construction. The blueprints are drawn by those consumed with vanity, while Lucifer himself oversees the operation! He’s dispatched his undercover agents to help the building rise into unprecedented towers of defiance.


The Tower of Sordid Entertainment

This new tower isn’t one of bricks and mortar but of sordid entertainment. It’s taken the place of godly songs and moral standards. Even the sacred space of the church altar isn’t immune to the corruption, with senseless comedy and frivolous music parading as a ministry, fooling the undiscerning.




Corruption in the Music Ministry

Tragically, many preachers have abandoned their pulpits to promote lewd and bizarre things under the guise of music ministry. Instead of spreading the Gospel, evangelism has been replaced by dangerously packaged concerts from the depths of darkness. Are you unknowingly supporting this rebellious tower?


Many preachers have abandoned their pulpits to promote lewd and bizarre things under the guise of music ministry. Share on X


The Inevitable Collapse of Babel

But mark my words; it will crumble when true revival arrives, regardless of how much you’ve contributed to or supported this falsehood. I was raised in a faith where songs fueled passion for God and His righteous ways. These were songs birthed from hearts touched by Yahweh, driven by purity and prayer.


Collapse Babel


The Decline of Songwriting

Today, however, it’s disheartening to see songs penned by humanists, morally bankrupt individuals, who only amplify carnality and diminish grace! It baffles me how many young people prefer singing over studying and teaching the Word of God. We need to return to the days when the Holy Spirit led the choir, not apostates anointed by Lucifer to spread disorder.

Scripture reminds us in Ephesians 5:19-20, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Our songs should be inspired by the Spirit, lifting praises to God, not catering to the world’s desires.


The Call for Return to Holiness

We have to return to the patterns of the days when the Holy Spirit is the Choir Master and not the crazy-looking apostates whom Lucifer has lavishly anointed with polluted fire to promote disorder and replace true apostolic flames! This babel of stupidity too, will crumble, no matter how appealing and daring it may appear!

We must heed the call to return to holiness. As 1 Peter 1:16 declares, “For it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” Let us reject the allure of this modern Babel and embrace the purity of worship that honours God.


We have to return to the patterns of the days when the Holy Spirit is the Choir Master and not the crazy-looking apostates whom Lucifer has lavishly anointed with polluted fire to promote disorder and replace true apostolic flames! Share on X



In conclusion, the construction of this modern Babel, fueled by vanity and overseen by Lucifer, is a perilous endeavour leading to moral decay and spiritual ruin. However, amidst this darkness, hope remains for a return to righteousness and purity in worship.

Scripture assures us in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Let us humble ourselves, pray fervently, and turn away from the wickedness of this world.

Only then can our act of worship be acceptable to God, and the glory of God be restored in His rightful place. Let us stand firm in our faith, holding fast to the truth of God’s Word, and fervently pursuing a revival of authentic, Spirit-led worship.

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