The Darkness is Not So Dark After All

Table of Contents

Theme Message

The poem below recounts the protagonist’s metaphorical journey into a kingdom of sin, enticed by lust and pride, and the subsequent struggles within that realm. The narrative explores the consequences of choices made and the realization of the darkness surrounding the protagonist. A redemptive turn occurs when the protagonist’s Father intervenes, settling the cost of his actions. The poem concludes with a transformation, as the protagonist emerges from the darkness into a new kingdom, expressing gratitude and a commitment to serving his Father. The main themes are decisions, their effects, redemption, and the power of light to drive out darkness.




Introduction: A Familiar Residence

I’ve been there a number of times

It was once my permanent residence

But even after the transfer I still go on excursions

Either of my own accord or as it seems, by compulsions

I take a bus ride whose driver is named LUST


The Descent: Journey into Sin

At other times, a charter whose model is LOST

I tell myself it’s just a movie with one act

I can always get out, it’s a simple pact

So I take my backpack and fill all the sides

It’s an exquisite brand, styled by PRIDE

Then I head for the kingdom called death

Common, it’s not so evident, it is a stealth

Don’t look so scared and wide-eyed

It doesn’t look so on the outside

I disembark at the great capital city of Sin

Such splendour and beauty, but its heart is a kiln

I get welcomed by the very prince of the kingdom; Leviathan

Oh!, don’t be deceived; his first name is actually Satan

He gives me a sui generis tour of the city

And then looks at me supposedly with eyes full of pity

‘These ubiquitous pleasures you can enjoy’ he says

‘The eye-catching part, you don’t have to pay’

‘You can have as much as you want if you promise to stay’

‘You don’t have to work here; it’s always night; no day’

With so many other words he persuades me

And ends by asking where else I’d rather be

He has the aura and confidence of one adept

So I consider the offer and at long last accept

Too many hotels with numerous stars to make reservations

But he counsels me to choose the 666 star hotel named Temptations

The royal suite looks like a good choice, I’m not paying

And my Dad can go to blazes, I’m staying

I take the elevator to my suite at the topmost floor

I’m all bubbly inside, I couldn’t have asked for more

The view of the city from this height is simply breathtaking

And if by now you think me unwise, no offence taken

This may be a movie, but now with an act and many more

It started as a simple pact, but not so anymore

I’m soon overwhelmed with such abundant opportunities

I couldn’t have guessed I was capable of such atrocities

On and on it went for such a long time

Too many things to explore since I’m not paying a dime


Intermission: Or am I not?

My Dad kept calling to no avail

I’m enjoying the new, He’s archaic

His voice would pierce through the bulwarks, appealing

I’m avoiding and escaping, smooth as an eel

He’ll tire soon and leave me to myself

He’ll be frustrated and take my file off the shelf

It’s always night here, there isn’t any day

No time for work here, all I have to do is play

But I soon find the darkness extremely overwhelming

And the absence of light was really telling

You could cut through it with the blade of a knife

You fast came to the reality of how a mess is your life

So like a prodigal longing to return to his Father

I sit myself down and vigorously begin to ponder

I soon came to the conclusion of what I needed to do

I came with just a backpack; I can walk my way through

I am confident I can get myself out of this

But I keep asking myself however did I get this deep

You could forgive me for trying to be prudent

Yet still be confused by the appearance of a trident

How can what started so simple become so complex?

How did tiny drops of water come to fill a large STOREX?

Down at the reception hoping to check myself out

What shouldn’t be an issue soon became a bout

I couldn’t leave without paying my bill

The whole universe seemed to come to a standstill

I wouldn’t have to pay if I was to stay

I’m choosing to leave so I’ve got to pay

The bill cannot be true, it’s a scandal

It would still not be enough to give my all, even my sandals

I’m caught dead betwixt a choice of two

Both show no hope; the sky can never be blue?


Epic: Stay or Pay!

How could I have sacrificed so much for mere vanity?

I know your evaluation must be – ‘sheer insanity’

I can’t contact my Dad, He’ll be pissed

He’d prefer I rot here, I won’t be missed

I think I’m right, but you say I’m wrong

I’ll face the repercussions; I need to be strong

I can’t settle the bill and I’m locked away

The only option seemed to be that I stay


Redemption: From Darkness to Light

Somehow my Dad got hold of the bill

And he included the cost in the statement of His will

‘He was wounded and bruised for my iniquities’

‘His blood has washed away the vilest of impurities’

Easier said than done I thought

Redemption cannot be so easily bought

Or maybe there’s more about my Dad I need to know

He never gives up on me and I wonder why it is so

Pasco pathopentho; the Greek word for suffer

Adelphos; it is how we became brothers

It’s awesome how one act can spread the length of eternity

The efficacy of it, sheer delight and indelible reality

He that ascended is the one that first went below

The same is the Father, Friend and Fellow

I’m out of jail now and in the kingdom

Oh! no, not the former, this is a brand-new one

All my debts very well settled; And now begins a brand new schedule


Conclusion: A New Dawn

The darkness is not so dark after all

All it takes is simply obeying Light’s call

I come boldly before my Dad’s throne now

With a humble and grateful heart, I humbly bow

I thank Him for the many benefits that I enjoy

And we discuss how I, for His service He’ll employ

The Light shines in the darkness and cannot be overcome

Lost, Lust and Pride are overturned

Holy is He who is called Light

Worthy is the one who helps us regain our sight

The scary darkness is long gone; Light does blaze now, it’s a new dawn.

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