The Eternal Battle for the Soul: Unveiling the Battlefield – Part 2

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(Please check Part 1 of this post: The Eternal Battle for the Soul – Part 1)


The Battlefield of the Soul

Renowned military strategist Napoleon once declared that the Megiddo Valley in Israel—the very place where the term “Armageddon” originated—was the ideal battlefield. His observation emphasizes how crucial it is to understand the terrain in order to succeed. In a similar vein, knowing our own inner battlefield is critical to our spiritual progress.




The Deceptive Battlefield

As 1 Timothy 6:12 emphasizes, the battlefield of faith is not on the outside but rather inside our souls and thoughts. This internal warfare, often overlooked, is where the true battle rages. Jeremiah’s words emphasize the need to distinguish internal struggles from external conflicts and serve as a warning about the deceitfulness of our hearts.


The Spiritual Warfare Blueprint of the Old Testament

The Old Testament portion of the Bible is full of figures and shadows that depict the reality that we live under this new covenant; in the book of Joshua, in particular, we find symbolic accounts of our spiritual struggles. The promised land is a figure of the soul and the 31 Canaanite kings who inhabited the land are a figure of enemies that must be evicted from the mind and soul by the command of God.  IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE TERRAIN AND ARE UNAWARE OF THE MACHINATIONS OF THESE ENEMIES, I ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE A GOOD TIME.




Recognizing the Terrain

As Christians, our mission is to purge sin and worldly influences from our souls. This is a job that must be done with strategy and knowledge. Similar to how Moses sent out twelve spies to survey the land, only two, Joshua and Caleb, received a good report, while the other ten were deceived.

Regretfully, the majority of Christians behave similarly to the 10 spies; they allow entities that need to be evicted from the soul to deceive them and give the impression that they are helpless and weak in their presence. We need to be able to distinguish between the sincere declaration of faith and the false murmurs of insecurity and doubt.

The giants, the offspring of Anák, are awkward and have little mobility; they resemble Goliath and can be destroyed in a matter of minutes with a single divine strategy. For this reason, it’s essential to recognize and fully comprehend the cross. Understanding the specifics of what Jesus accomplished on the cross will be critical to our victory, which is already guaranteed; all we need to do is keep up the good fight.

Understanding the specifics of what Jesus accomplished on the cross will be critical to our victory, which is already guaranteed; all we need to do is keep up the good fight. Share on X


Divine Connection


The Truth’s Power

The giants, the offspring of Anák, are like Goliath in that they are slow-moving and awkward, and they can be destroyed in a matter of minutes with a single supernatural tactic. That is why it is essential to acknowledge and fully comprehend the central tenets of the Christian faith, especially the truth regarding the cross.

Understanding the specifics of what Jesus accomplished on the cross will be critical to our victory, which is already guaranteed; all we need to do is keep up the good fight. The key to our spiritual triumph lies in Jesus’ victory over sin and death. Through Christ, we are promised victory, just as Joshua was guaranteed victory.

Each time the Lord told Joshua, “I have delivered them into your hand,” it did not absolve him of responsibility; he still needed to lead his army into battle and seize the spoils. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,”. More and more, we must understand that Christ is the truth. The five stones you need for your sling are His atoning blood, His death, His burial, His resurrection and His ascension to the Father’s right hand.


Around us, disappointments abound. Our physical environment has been created to deceive and separate the human soul from God's will. Share on X


Building the Kingdom Within

Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God must first be established within each of us before the outside world can see it because it exists within each one of us. The Kingdom of God initially comes to your spirit but manifests through the soul and body. For the Kingdom to come into our lives, we must purge our souls of sin and worldly desires.



In the battle of faith, victory lies not in external conquests but in conquering our inner selves. Understanding the terrain of our souls, armed with the truths of Christ, empowers us to emerge victorious in the spiritual warfare we face.

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