The Journey to Christlikeness in a Self-Serving Generation

Table of Contents


God is more concerned with who we are than what we do. However, whatever we do in service and ministries has its place in our relationship with God. Becoming like Jesus is a process that will lead to attaining an identity that is evidently visible and undeniable. It means conforming to his colouration in terms of virtue and lifestyle. When the apostles were closely observed, they were considered to be Christlike because they had always been with Jesus Christ. Their fellowship with him had brought diffusion into his nature, his calling and his character.

According to Romans 12:2 we cannot be well adjusted to the world, rather we should seek to learn about Christ. We must pursue to be like him if we must reign or live with him in heaven. This is our greatest privilege, immediate responsibility and ultimate destiny (Gen. 1:26 Rom 8: 28-29,2, 2Cor 3:18). Before we could ever be anointed to serve Christ, we must have been anointed to be like Him. It is self-deception to think we are serving Christ when our lives are yet to conform to His patterns.  


Becoming Jesus’ Apprentice

To be like Jesus, we have to become his apprentice (disciple).  An apprentice learns from his master that he may become a prototype of his master. We should learn to follow his pattern of conduct, attitude, passion and pursuit as we are called to love Christ and follow one curriculum, the Bible.

The school of discipleship is the school of hard knocks, painful imitation, dangerous risk or the narrow-way college. (Luke 14:26:33 Matt 10:37 I k 9:23-24 14:27).  People raise followers today who will deify them rather than point such followers to Jesus. Becoming like Jesus means we will seek to love him, obey him, and conform to the way he looks and does things. (Jeremiah 29:13 1 Peter 1:6-7 Matt. 5:13-16).

The question is: Am I pursuing Jesus to be like Him or just following because I want some material benefits from Him? 

Tangible Change After Salvation

Becoming like Jesus means there must be a concrete and evident difference in the way we act after becoming born again. A songwriter once said: 

  • Once I was lost in sin, I had no peace within. to save my weary soul, I knew not how, but Jesus came to me and by his grace I’m free, Now it’s different, yes it’s, oh so different now! 
  • Sin’s fetters held me fast, the die was almost cast, my proud and haughty spirit would not bow, but just one glimpse of him, it broke the power of sin, Now it’s different, yes it’s, oh! So different now! 
  • And now my hopes are bright, I praise him day and night, how he could change me so I know not how, but praise the Lord it’s done, the victory now is won, Now it’s different, yes it’s oh so different now! 


Practical Knowledge of Christ

Aspiring to know Christ practically is very important. Farming is not learnt in Agricultural textbooks but on the farm. It is when we remain in a consistent relationship with Jesus that we can truly and effectively become like him. The world should not have to guess, get confused or wonder if we are Christians. They should see the picture of Christ in us. When people look at us, they should see Jesus (Lk 11: 39:52).

We are called to be a striking likeness of Jesus. Jesus shared the truth at every opportunity. He lived for others. He welcomed children. He healed the sick. He suffered for us. He loves others and is very humble. (Rom 12:16). He is holy. He forgave others. He is transparent. He is disciplined. He is diligent. He conquered evil by doing well. It is difficult to believe that someone is a true Christian disciple if his wife, children, and those around him are not better for his faith. (Luke 6:12). It is more important to seek to attain the character of Christ than pursue His gifts.


Essential Requirements to Become Like Jesus

Becoming like Jesus implies that as a believer you MUST:

  1. Know and understand the person, nature, character and expectations of Jesus. 
  2. Know and understand the person nature and devices of Satan and his demons. 
  3. Hate sin and all appearances of evil.
  4. Guard your mind diligently against all manners of evil manifestations 
  5. Appreciate the victory already procured by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Every believer having renounced sin and evil work is legally saved but must appropriate victory of the cross by consciously living a righteous life and resisting the works of the devil in order to be vitally saved. 
  6. Know that a believer is not expected to negotiate with the devil when confronted with temptation but rather be bold to say No. 
  7. Avoid anything that can predispose a believer to sin against his master. If the bridge is truly burnt behind a believer, it would be difficult to return to Babylon.
  8. Lose taste and interest in the attractions of this present world. 
  9. Renounce all legal ties with sin, Satan and the world. 
  10. Look up and go forward in pursuit of the kingdom of God in godliness, upright walk, passionate service and helping others. 
  11. Understand that fellowship is intimacy with Christ. It is a commitment that is legal and must be guarded with fear of God.


Challenges in Christlike Service Today

1.  Recruiting a people of service. (Mk 3:14, Matt 4:18-19). Jesus raised a few people so that he could train them to continue with the work when he would have departed physically. He knew they may not have the same result but at least no one of them was a failure. They all had what it takes to excel. He never despised any of the disciples. We have to go all out and raise true disciples.

2.  Rebellious lifestyle of a self-serving generation. (Rev 30 11-14). Today’s society does not want to serve the God of their father with the same passion peculiar to the apostolic movement that gave birth to them. They are selfish, enslaved by the flesh, replaced righteousness with lasciviousness. They have forgotten that Jesus became man so that he can serve, not because he wanted to be served.  Those days, it pays to serve Jesus was the song of the fathers.  Today, it pays to be served by Jesus is the song of the children. Conveniences have replaced commitment.

3.  Reasons why we should serve like Christ. First, a servant is not above his Master. We have been called to sacrifice, glory and virtue. We are called to follow in his steps. (12 disciples, 7 deacons, and other missionaries in the past all paid their dues) 

4.  Reward for true laborers. 100% benefit is made available to very faithful believers on earth (Mk 10:28-30). Eternal life is guaranteed in heaven. Rev. 22:12 I Tim 5:18, II Jn 8, Heb 11:6



In conclusion, the process of becoming more like Jesus involves a transformation of our hearts rather than a checklist of tasks. We strive to mirror His love, humility, and service in a world often focused on self. Let us keep in mind that genuine transformation is evident not only in our actions but also in our character as we grow as disciples and overcome obstacles. In serving like Jesus, we find purpose, and the rewards extend beyond this life. So, let’s keep walking in His footsteps, making a real difference in our world.

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