Trading Destinies: Unmasking the Deception of Babylonian Merchandise

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A really old kind of business has been happening for a very long time in the story of humanity. It subtly connects destinies in a complicated way like a part of the big story of life. This illicit trade, a mix of deceit and desire, has its origins in what I could refer to as “Babylonian merchandise”. (Revelation 18:11-13)

Cast your mind back to the lovely Garden of Eden, a haven of harmony and beauty. It was here that the divine story unfolded, with God creating the world and humanity, entrusting them with dominion. However, there was a subtle whisper of an ancient merchant in Eden’s shadows, who was seeking to exchange destinies for something far less valuable.  (Genesis 3:1)

God created the universe at the beginning with His boundless wisdom. He created man in His image and gave him dominion over the rest of creation. This initial state of authority and communion with the Divine set the stage for the complex drama that would unfold through the ages.



The Fall of Man

Adam’s Loss of Dominion and Authority 

The fallout began with Adam, the first bearer of the divine image. He gave in to temptation after being seduced by the serpent’s deceptive words and losing the dominion that had been given to him. The destiny of humanity took a terrible turn at that pivotal moment.

The consequences of tasting the forbidden fruit rippled throughout all of creation. The once harmonious relationship between God and humanity shattered, ushering in a world polluted by sin, suffering, and separation from the Creator. (Genesis 3:17-19)

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— Romans 5:12

Behind the veil of temptation stood an ancient merchant — Satan (Revelation 12:9). This cunning figure sought to capitalize on humanity’s vulnerability, trading glorious destinies for a delusional sweetness that would inevitably turn bitter.


The Restoration in Jesus

A ray of hope surfaced from humanity’s darkest moments. Here comes the divine remedy for the plague of sin: Jesus, the second Adam. The concept of the second Adam signifies a chance for redemption, a pathway back to the intended dominion over creation. 1 Corinthians 15:45 (NIV) says, “So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.” 

Jesus paved the path to humanity’s salvation by making the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The spilt blood of Christ Jesus became the currency to buy back destinies ensnared by the ancient merchant. Authority was restored and the bonds of sin were broken, bringing about restoration.

The transformational power of divine intervention is revealed by contrasting the fall of the first Adam with the rise of the second Adam. As one gave in to temptation, the other overcame it and gave humanity a chance to reclaim its lost glory. Romans 5:19 (NIV) states, “For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.”


Satan’s Ongoing Trade

The Persistence of the Ancient Merchant in Trading Destinies

8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1 Peter 5:8 – 9 (Good News for Everyone)

Despite the redemptive work of Jesus, the ancient merchant, Satan, persists in his deceptive trade. The allure of his merchandise, flashy and sweet on the surface, masks the bitter consequences that inevitably follow.

Satan’s trade takes place on the grand stage of life, not only in shadowy corners. The attraction of instant gratification, pleasure, and power conceals the true nature of the merchandise – a fleeting sweetness that fades into bitterness.

The aftermath of succumbing to Satan’s trade is profound bitterness. What was once an enticing offer turns into regret, brokenness, and a realization of the true cost paid for momentary pleasures.


Unveiling the Merchandise

What, then, is the currency Satan demands in exchange for destinies? Examining the core of this exchange reveals the startling reality: humanity exchanges its birthright for essentially nothing, or what can only be called “garbage and dung.” Apostle Paul emphasised this in Philippians 3:8 “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” NIV

The stark symbolism is that fleeting, worthless pleasures are traded for the treasures of destinies. The glittering sweetness covering the merchandise serves only to blind humanity to the true nature of the trade.

The tragedy lies in the ephemeral nature of the traded goods. The fleeting pleasures and momentary successes promised by Satan’s merchandise crumble into dust, leaving behind a void and a bitter taste of regret.

There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. Proverb 14:12 NIV

Breaking the Cycle

Recognizing the True Value of Destinies

The first step to ending the cycle is to understand the nature of the trade. Being able to resist the ancient merchant’s allure requires an understanding of the intrinsic value of destinies. God in the Book of Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) said “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The value of your destiny is priceless, it echoes through the Divine possibilities embedded in your spirit through Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.

Now that we are aware of the real price,  we must stand resilient against the deceptive attraction of Satan’s offerings. It requires a conscious choice to reject the fleeting sweetness and embrace a destiny grounded in purpose and divine connection with God. (James 4:7)

Embracing the Restoration Offered Through Jesus

Accepting the restoration that Jesus offers is the antidote to the bitter consequences. Recognizing the redemptive power of the second Adam opens the door to a destiny reclaimed, free from the shackles of the ancient merchant’s trade. (2 Corinthians 5:17)



In retracing the steps from Eden to the present, the ancient transaction between humanity and the ancient merchant is revealed. It is a story of loss, redemption, and the ongoing battle for destinies.

As custodians of our destinies, the call is to safeguard against the subtle whispers of the ancient merchant. In the choices we make, we determine whether our destinies remain entangled in the deceptive trade or find restoration in the redemptive work of Jesus.

The journey forward beckons with the promise of restoration and redemption. By following the path set by Jesus, we can rise above the transient sweetness of Babylonian merchandise and reclaim our rightful place in destiny and God’s Kingdom.


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