Unlocking the Power of Sanctification: The Untold Benefits of Pursuing Holiness

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The need for sanctification is increasing in a world where holiness appears to be disappearing. The timeless truth of consecration endures despite contemporary trends, calling sincere pilgrims to adopt a lifestyle dedicated to God’s purposes. This article explores the importance of sanctification, including its applicability in modern society and its crucial role in the growth of faith.




The Unpopular Message of Holiness

In contemporary times, the concept of holiness has become increasingly unpopular. It is often viewed as offensive, archaic, and even hateful. A sober assessment of the content of many sermons today reveals a spiritual malnourishment among congregants, a concerning reality. Even in instances where something akin to holiness is preached, it often lacks credibility and legitimacy due to the failure of those preaching to practice what they preach. Many social clubs masquerading as churches fail to embody the principles they espouse, rendering sanctification merely a denominational doctrine rather than a biblical imperative.




Understanding Sanctification

Sanctification, at its core, entails being set apart for holy purposes. It involves a separation from anything that may corrupt, pollute, or hinder one’s ability to be used by the Holy Spirit. Sin, in its essence, is the primary force that renders an individual worthless before God. Without a commitment to living a righteous life, one inevitably drifts toward a life of waywardness. There exists no middle ground in this regard.

The true measure of a disciple today lies not in the quality of their gifts, but in the consistency of their practice of holiness. Share on X

The commandment “Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 20:7) pinpoint the divine expectation of holiness. Holiness is inherent to God’s nature; He is of purer eyes than to behold sin. Consequently, the true measure of a disciple today lies not in the quality of their gifts, but in the consistency of their practice of holiness. Charisma, devoid of character, holds little value. Sanctification, far from being a superficial religious practice aimed at appearances, is a deliberate obedience to God’s word, regardless of the cost.


rejecting sin


The Radical Nature of Sanctification

A genuine pursuit of sanctification necessitates a radical departure from the ways of the world. It demands a relinquishment of the properties of darkness that may still linger within one’s life. If your sanctification fails to challenge the compromises of friends, it may inadvertently serve the enemy’s interests rather than advancing the Kingdom of God. In a culture where religious certificates are sometimes mistaken for evidence of godliness, it is imperative to recognize that purity of character stands as a far more compelling testament to true sanctification.


Embrace sanctification


Embracing Sanctification as a Calling

For the heavenly pilgrim, sanctification is not merely a burdensome obligation but a divine calling. Saved, sanctified, and baptized in the Holy Spirit were once regarded as the hallmarks of genuine faith. However, in contemporary times, it is the purity of character that serves as a more accurate barometer of authentic godliness. Thus, rather than viewing sanctification as a hindrance, believers are called to embrace it as a privilege and a sacred duty. It is through the pursuit of holiness that one truly embodies the lifestyle of a pilgrim journeying towards the celestial city.


It is the purity of character that serves as a more accurate barometer of authentic godliness. Share on X



It is more important than ever to uphold the call to holiness as we traverse the complexity of our contemporary world. Sanctification is a constant requirement, not just an old-fashioned idea. It exhorts Christians to follow a path of obedience and consecration even when it goes against popular opinion. We must be ready to answer this call, knowing that a true pilgrimage is about steadfastly following God’s path through all difficulties rather than chasing after worldly trends.

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